Hello Spring

Nei viaggi che ho fatto fino ad ora una delle cose che ho sempre invidiato sono i parchi. In una giornata come oggi.. Primo giorno di primavera, sarebbe stato perfetto trascorrerlo in un parco passeggiando, respirando aria pulita e osservando il risveglio di questa stagione.

English text

In the travels that i have done one of the things that i have always envied are the parks. Today is the first day of Spring. I’d like to spend it in a park like this. In my city there aren’t similar parks, but i hope that soon there will be.



I was looking at old photos of my travel to pisa… I saw this photo! It’s incredible what there is behind a colorful wall. A building may seem simple, but if it’s nude it shows all its peculiarities. 

Wien… Impressions

A simple street, cars, people and buildings. A point of view… The past and the present in one photo.

Punti di vista


Next travel…